Print this page and have it next to you when you are writing your paper.

Students are required to write the course paper in the following order.  I will take off 5 points from students who submit the work in any other order!! REAL researchers write their proposals in this order.  You will too!  This is NOT the order in which students will submit the course assignment.

You may click on the hot links marked in blue or scroll down for the directions of each part of the required paper.

  1. Review of Literature -- your first draft must be submitted to VerCite on Canvas AND you must self assess your work for plagiarism.

  2. Discussion of Sample Survey -- your first draft must be submitted to VerCite on Canvas AND you must self assess your work for plagiarism.

  3. Questionnaire -- your first draft must be submitted to  VerCite on Canvas AND you must self assess your work for plagiarism.

  4. Results and Findings -- your first draft must be submitted to  VerCite on Canvas AND you must self assess your work for plagiarism.

  5. Summary -- your first draft must be submitted to  VerCite on Canvas AND you must self assess your work for plagiarism.

  6. Introduction  -- your first draft must be submitted to  VerCite on Canvasd AND you must self assess your work for plagiarism.

  7. Abstract -- your first draft must be submitted to  VerCite on Canvasd AND you must self assess your work for plagiarism.

  8. After writing each section, submit your final paper  VerCite on Canvas and email your final paper to

  9. The example of an A paper will be helpful and can be found at the botton of this page.

All papers are to have one inch margins (top, bottom, sides).  New Times Roman point 12 is the required font for the entire paper (with permission of professor, exceptions may be accepted for figures and tables).  The text or body of the paper must be double spaced* (not triple or single).  The default in MS Word is NOT double-space.  To see how to reset the default (so you won't be dropped a letter grade), go to . This includes when separating topical headings from text.  

Below you will see an outline of how your paper must be submitted. 


[Student's Name]*, BA Candidate

[Title of Paper]*

submitted to the Department of

Sociology and Criminal Justice

The University of North Carolina at Pembroke

in partial fulfillment for the Degree of

Bachelors of Arts


*Do not include [ ] on your paper.

On the last line of cover page include and sign the statement: "I have neither given nor received unauthorized aid in the preparation or completion of this manuscript. ________________________________ "



Write an abstract between 100 and 200 words. The rules for writing your abstract for this course can be found at:




    Directions: Between two paragraphs and NO longer than two pages.   Include an explanation of your topic.  In the first paragraph include a problem statement that justifies the paper you are writing.  In the second paragraph, discuss how you are going to address the problem.  Here is the example you must use: Introduction. This must be written with the abstract.


Review of Literature

    Directions: Between seven to ten pages.   Students must include scholarly citations.  NO books, NO magazines, NO newspapers, NO webpages NO Bible cites and other religious books are NOT permitted.   The paper must use exclusively scholarly citations.   A minimum of ten (10) citations MUST be included.  ALL citations MUST be articles found at the UNCP library.  You must have a library pin (or password) for this course.  If you do not have one, you can find the directions at: .  For your grade, I will be assessing your library skills.  If you need to cite a book students must have my permission.  Student may NOT use Google or any search took except tools that are offered through the library.  There are NO exceptions.  A major portion of your grade will be based on you computer and library skills.


All submitted reviews of literature must include a correctly formated APA reference page. Points will be lost for failure to correctly submit this page.


Your search for articles is limited to these four sources:


APA style is required.   In compiling your reference page, you are required to use: .  Why?  Because I need to assess your computer skills.  Failure to use APA properly will result in a letter grade drop.  If you do not remember APA style from your freshmen English course, use the example found at the bottom of this page.  In additions you can find a model for citing APA articles and books here. < this help!


Basis Rules:

  1. first names of authors,

  2. authors' title (i.e. Dr.),

  3. titles of articles,

  4. titles of books,

  5. name of journals,

  6. the author's place of employment.

* When presenting long quotes, the ruler must be used.  If you do not how to use the ruler, you are required to watch this video:


Discussion of Sample Survey

    Directions: Between one and three paragraphs -- not to go over one page.  Describe how you derived your PRETEND sample.   Use your SOC/CRJ 3610 textbook for labeling your sample type.  In the number of subjects, etc.  Students must demonstrate an indepth knowledge of probability sampling.   This paper requires the students to use a cluster random sample. This material is covered in chapter 8 of your Bryman's text and your are required to use your text book as a reference in this section of your paper. In addition, there are tons of information about cluster random sampling on the Internet but students are required to use the video at .  Use this video as a guide to present the stages of your clusters. Students must use the textbook as citation.


Here is the outline for how this section must be written:

Most students can do this in three paragraphs.  If you have more than three paragraphs, you are doing something wrong.



    Directions: Between one and three paragraphs -- not to go over one page.  Explain how you constructed your questionnaire, instrument or survey.   Explain how you divided it up into two sections and how you used the review of literature to construct your items.  In this section of your paper, you are required to acknowledge that your questionnaire is housed in Appendix A.


Students are required to use Qualtrics. Learn how to use Qualtrics by watching the video at . If you have experience using Qualtrics, students can immediately go to . The login button is located at the bottom of the screen. You will use your UNCP username and password to access Qualtrics. All students are required to immediately open up the "Create Project" button on the top right side of the screen, you will select blank project from the options given and name your questionnaire. After this, and most importantly, select "Collaborate" in the middle of the project screen and type  to share editing power with me.  If you fail to go to "Collaborate", you cannot get credit for your work!

To gain experience using real data, all students will be required to complete each student's measurement tool.


To gain experience using real data, all students will be required to complete each student's measurement tool.  To make sure that everyone completes your questionnaire, the first item MUST be:  Name and Banner ID number.   Create enough space on Qualtrics so that students can insert all of this information.  The Name and Banner ID number is NOT to be considered part of the student's questionnaire.  This information is for the professor in order to give students credit for doing their work.


The questionnaire must be divided into two parts:

1) Demographic (SEX, RELIGION, MARITAL STATUS. OCCUPATION, AGE, etc):  must have 7 items.

2) Likert Scales (Statements not questions; see textbook for details).  Professor Likert discovered that people are most apt to respond to questionnaire when questions are not used. It is better to make a statement and have subjects respond with one of the following (must have 13 items):

     Strongly Agree


     Neither Agree nor Disagree


     Strongly Disagree

Within Qualtrics, the list is printed.  All you have to do is find it and click it.


The first question must be "What is your name and banner ID number?" followed by a Qualtrics blank box.


In this section, your grade will be based:

  1. your appreciation of understanding of the importance of demographic variables. 

  2. on your understanding of Likert Scaling.

Results and Findings

    Directions:   Between 5 and 15 pages.   Describe the meaning of your results.   All students must demonstrate the ability to create a graph using  Qualtrics OR Excel.  At least 5 graphs must be included with the students interpretation of the data.  Each graph must be labels as "Figure" followed by a number.   Such as Figure 1, Figure 2, etc.


To do this section of your paper, you must read and use the material found at:



In this section, your grade will be based on

  1. your ability to comply with the directions found in the two above hot links

  2. your word processing skills in pasting the charts in you paper and adjusting them to look professional



Directions: At least three paragraphs which includes:

You will be graded on you ability to respond to the list above.


References must be APA

On the reference page, the ruler must be used.  If you do not how to use the ruler, you are required to watch this video:


Appendix A

    Directions:  Include questionnaire


A student granted me permission to use her paper as an example for you.  Here is a good example of the final product I am expecting from you: