Writing an Abstract for Social Sciences

Research Papers with Data

SOC/CRJ 3610 Social Research

In the recent past, abstracts for data analysis manuscripts consisted of a paragraph of 100 to 250 words which produced an overall summary of the analysis.  The current trend is more formal.  Many publishers have standardize abstracts.  The new standardization is extremely helpful to readers who want to gain quick information about the content of the publication.  Below you will find an example of the new format for writing an abstract for data-driven manuscripts.  It comes from the following citation: Murphy, BJ, Bugeja, L, Pilgrim, J, and Ibrahim, JE (2015), Completed suicide among nursing home residents: A systematic review. International Journal Geriatric Psychiatry, 30, 802814.


Overview: The aim of this study is to systematically review published research describing the frequency, nature, and contributing factors of completed suicides among nursing home residents.
Methods: In accordance with the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses Statement, this review examined all original, peer-reviewed literature published in English between 1 January 1949 and 31 December 2013 describing completed suicides among nursing home residents. Information extracted for analysis included: study and population characteristics, method of suicide, potential risk factors, and interventions.
Results: Eight studies were identified; the majority (n=5) conducted in the United States of America. There were 113 suicides in nursing homes reported in the literature, 101 with detailed information available for aggregate analysis. The majority were male (n=62, 61.4%), aged between 61 and 93 years. Suicide was most commonly by hanging (n=27, 38.0%) or falling from a height (n=27, 38.0%). Risk factors were considered in a proportion of studies. Depression was examined in 27 cases and present in
18 (67%). Duration of residence was examined in 25 cases, 13 (52%) of which had resided in the nursing home less than 12 months. Physical health was examined in 22 cases, 11 (50%) of whom were experiencing physical decline. Prior suicidal behaviour, cognitive function, and personal loss were also examined. Organizational risk factors and intervention strategies were rarely considered.
Conclusions: There is a paucity of research describing completed suicide among nursing home residents. More large-scale research is required using standardized methods for reporting information to better understand and prevent completed suicides in this setting.

The abstract for your paper must comply with this standard.  Your abstract must be broken down into topical headings following by a collon (:) in bold Times New Roman font.  Following is the information that must be included:

Overview: A maximum of two sentences that provide an overall summary of the paper.  It could include a thesis statement or the mission of your idea.

Methods: In this section, include a description of the sample collection process.  If you completed a statistical analysis (for which you'll get bonus points) report it.  Do not include findings.  A maximum of one sentence for sample collection and one sentance for statistical analysis.

Results: Within five sentences, report the findings.  This will require thoughtfulness to limit your words to five sentences.

Conclusion: Within three sentences, explain how your findings contribute to the overall research.  Address its importance.